Virginia Dale Community Church
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Twin Peaks Bible Camp

 Sharing the Good News of the Gospel

Twin Peaks Bible Camp is dedicated to sharing God’s Word with people of all ages. Our goal is to share the Gospel with those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior, and to strengthen the faith of those who have already made a commitment to Christ. We are an independent, fundamental, non-profit organization, inspected and licensed by the state of Colorado.


Cooperative Effort

The Ubuntu Women’s Sewing Cooperative started in Boneza, Rwanda, in the fall of 2017. All new to the sewing skill, these women gather to learn, grow, and share community. Many women in this group were living on $1 a day, but now they find success in selling their beautiful handmade products. All of their products are made from local, traditional Rwandan fabric. We are giving voice to the Ubuntu women’s co-op and we support them through gifts given to assist in the purchase of fabrics, additional sewing machines, continued instruction and more. If you would like to make a gift to Ubuntu - please click the donate button below.

This local opportunity is changing lives and providing hope to over 30 families in Rwanda.

The name “Ubuntu” comes from the Kinya-Rwandan word for “Grace.”

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Have a Cow

Boneza, Rwanda

Cows are greatly impactful to poor families in Boneza, Rwanda. Cows provide essential nutrients from their milk to the impoverished children, manure for the family gardens, and a source of wealth for a poor family in Boneza. Once a calf is born, a local neighbor can receive a cow, and the cycle continues.

Understanding this impact, Virginia Dale Community Church has donated many cows to the Boneza community since 2013. In total, 150 cows have been paid for, providing a massive, positive impact on the lives on the locals.

The cost for one cow and a cow shed in Boneza is $500…You can Buy a WHole Cow -

or Give ANY portion Toward Buying a cow - By Clicking the button below.


Angel Tree®

A program of Prison Fellowship



Incarceration can strain family ties to the breaking point. Angel Tree shares the love of Christ in a tangible way and strengthens family bonds, delivering personalized gifts and the Gospel to children on behalf of their incarcerated parents at Christmas. Every Angel Tree family is also given access to a free, easy-to-read copy of the Bible in English or Spanish.

And the story continues all year, as Angel Tree Camping® makes Christ-centered summer camp possible for prisoners’ kids and Angel Tree Sports Clinic™ helps youth be champions on the field and in life. Through each program and mentoring opportunity, you can join Angel Tree to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of families in your community!


Serve 6.8

to mobilize, resource, and connect the local Church in order to fulfill its role in a community

SERVE 6.8 is a Christian nonprofit organization that specializes in mobilizing, resourcing, and connecting the local church to care for people in Northern Colorado. We partner with 30 churches to offer ministries to meet physical needs while pointing people back Christ and a church community. Our programs offer assistance in establishing and maintaining sustainability in areas such as food, clothing, employment, and housing.